Raising awareness about the prevalence of radon gas and other indoor air quality contaminants that can affect the nations health and home is what we do at Airthings. To check in with those we care about most, we asked how American homeowners and renters dealt with air quality in their home. This is what we found, and the results may surprise you...
1. Mold is the number one concern among the American population (44.7%). Radon gas, however, being the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers[1], concerns only 15.4% of homeowners.
2. Only 22% of US homeowners we surveyed monitor radon at home.
3. Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers[1], yet 60% of Americans we surveyed don’t know or are unsure about radon gas in the home.
4. Though radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year[1], a huge 57% of Americans we surveyed do not monitor radon.
6. Both radon and carbon monoxide (CO) are odorless gases that can impact your health and safety. While 35% of the American population is concerned about carbon monoxide, only 15% worry about radon exposure.