How Patty improved her VOC levels dramatically with this simple switch

Removing high VOC levels from your home doesn’t have to be a big job, find out how Patty used air quality data from Airthings to improve her indoor air quality.

Meet Patty

Sensitive-Home-product_bundle-Lifestyle_with-PattyWe met Patty when she reached out to Airthings with a glowing review. In that conversation, she expressed her gratitude for the indoor air quality monitor which alerted her to very high levels of VOCs because of two easily-solved problems. The first, she used the data to discover, was caused by her having accidentally left a gas burner lit on the stove. A potentially dangerous problem, easily remedied.

Small changes around the home and your daily habits can have a really big impact on the air you breathe. This is something that Patty knows well. She, in fact, found that the cleaning products she was using in her home were also causing poor indoor air quality.

She said in her five star review that her Airthings indoor air quality monitor “also encouraged me to use new eco-friendly cleaning products which led me to Sensitive Home products. After cleaning with their products your unit confirmed that the VOC levels were significantly lower than my normal cleaning products”[1]. Once again, her high VOC levels were easily solved, she just needed the air quality data to know what’s in the air in her home.  

Here’s what happened when Patty switched to low VOC cleaning products

Keep in mind the last time I cleaned with my "other products" the VOC's shot up to 487 quickly.

 Today was a very cold, stormy, wet dreary day so all the windows were closed.

I started cleaning at 3:01 PM and the VOC's were at 84.

At 3:23 PM they were at 123 VOC's. 

At 3:41 PM they were at 146 VOC's. 

At 4:04 PM I was ready to move to the back of my house to clean the master bathroom. 

At 4:04 PM they were at 129 VOC's. 

The VOC's disseminated quickly with your products and we did not have any windows open due to the heavy rain.

I found this to be an incredible experience!!Clouds  (1)

Patty’s case is no different than most. By monitoring your indoor air long term, you can be alerted when levels are high and make small changes to improve the air you breathe.


Radon map

Thousands of Radon sensors across the world, broken down by location. See your region's approximate risk level.


Thousands of Radon sensors across the world, broken down by location. See your region's approximate risk level.
