Air quality

Breathing healthy air is vital for your health and wellbeing. Learn how to monitor the contaminants in your home and reduce your risk of exposure.

Learn about indoor air pollution ›
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Tips to help with pollen allergies and hay fever

Without a doubt you have heard someone subtly blow their nose and apologise saying "excuse me,...


5 min read

Eczema and indoor air quality in your home

If you’re suffering from flare-ups of eczema, it could be related to indoor air quality issues in...

Indoor Air Quality

15 min read

Breathe better, learn better: Improve indoor air quality for homeschooling, homework, and study

How does indoor air quality affect how well young people study? And how can you create the ideal...

Radon testing moving home

Buying a new home? Here's how & why you need to measure radon & air quality


14 min read

The Inspiring Story of Brett: Radon mitigation in Michigan

Airthings Customer Spotlight: Brett Little Growing up, Brett Little had never really given much...

Airthings Dashboard

How to generate a radon report using Airthings Dashboard

Indoor air quality can be compromised by various air contaminants, one of which is radon. This gas...


5 min read

In the news


Radon map

Thousands of Radon sensors across the world, broken down by location. See your region's approximate risk level.


Thousands of Radon sensors across the world, broken down by location. See your region's approximate risk level.
