What is the WELL Building Standard®?

The WELL Building Standard® (WELL v2™) takes a holistic approach to health in the built environment addressing behavior, operations, and design. WELL is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. 

The WELL Building Standard® (WELL v2™) is very comprehensive and considers seven concepts including Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal comfort, Sound, Materials, and Mind in the workplace.  The Airthings for Business monitors can be used in a WELL project to attain certain points towards the Air concept. 

What’s the difference between the WELL Building Standard® and RESET®

There are several certification programs that help showcase buildings taking a step in this direction. The two you have probably heard of are WELL Building Standard® and RESET®

WELL is about optimizing the building or project to benefit people’s health. It is known for its design standards, they are focused on helping people build more sustainable buildings. It is extremely comprehensive. 

RESET, on the other hand, is a data standard. It certifies and prioritizes ongoing performance and long-term occupant health. It too is comprehensive, though RESET can complement other certification schemes and have “crosswalks” with other existing programs such as Well. So it might be a better place to start. 

Airthings is a certified RESET data provider and our indoor air quality monitors are RESET accredited.

How can you use Airthings for Business with WELL Building Standard?

You can use Airthings for Business IAQ monitors to satisfy certain air requirements for the Well Building Standard. These are listed below:

Requirement(s) Airthings Space Pro
(formerly View Plus for Business)
AO1 Air quality Part 2 -  Requirements met (partial precondition)
AO8 Air quality monitoring and awareness Requirements met (2 points)
T01 Thermal performance Opportunity to meet (partial precondition)
T06 Thermal comfort monitoring Requirements met (1 point)
T07 Humidity control Requirements met (1 point)
Total points:

Partial preconditions
4 points available 


There is the option to propose innovation points. The innovations are 1 point each (up to a maximum of 10). You have to propose them on each project specifically, WELL then consider it and approve or reject it. 

Want to know more about using Airthings for Business in your WELL Building Standard project? Contact us


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