How better indoor air quality can transform education

Marie Bannister

Marie Bannister

The air students breathe impacts their health and ability to learn. Discover how schools and colleges are tackling indoor air quality with our schools eGuide ⬇️Clouds  (1)

Schools and colleges with a handle on indoor air quality enjoy better educational outcomes, more cost savings and greater operational efficiency. Find out why the air we breathe in every day matters and how modern institutions are managing it.

Poor indoor air quality in educational buildings causes ill health, low concentration, lower test scores and more days off.

Harmful substances build up in poorly ventilated classrooms, lecture theaters, gyms and cafeterias. Humidity, temperature and pressure also contribute to the wellbeing and performance of students and staff.

91% of parents now believe that indoor air quality directly impacts the health of young people. No nursery, school, college or university can afford to ignore the issue any longer.What-are-the-rules-about-indoor-air-quality-in-workplaces-Inserts-1

What will I learn from this eGuide?

How exactly indoor air impacts performance and productivity in educational buildings

Which are the key contaminants and their specific effects

What happened in US and European schools that improved their air quality

How improving the air we breathe indoors, helps institutions plan smarter and control operating costs

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