How sensor data is changing the way we manage buildings

Nora Perez

Sensor technology has seen rapid development in the last years and is set to disrupt an increasing number of industries around the world. Building management is no exception, but today most of the maintenance work in buildings is still performed following a schedule. This implies that many hours have been wasted checking ventilation or heating systems when there’s not an actual need. Meanwhile potentially missing out on issues that if addressed earlier, could avoid critical problems.

At Airthings for Business, we’re all about helping building and business managers make informed decisions providing around-the-clock indoor air quality data from our solution. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a new integration with three of the major Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) in Norway: FDVhuset, FDV-bygg, and FDVweb. The integration will help optimize maintenance tasks related to indoor air quality by relying on our sensor data, moving from a calendar-based to a data-driven approach. 

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By linking their existing IWMS accounts with Airthings, users will be able to define sensor thresholds that trigger a notification in the system when reached. That way, users can be notified when a critical situation arises, for example, if the ventilation system stops running, and take action when it is needed, rather than as a recurring task.

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Data at your fingertips

A big portion of complaints in IWMS are related to indoor air quality, but the source of the problem is often unclear. “When you have the data at your fingertips, it’s much easier to address these complaints and fix the problem,” says Jonas Havord, General Manager at FDV-bygg. “What’s great about this integration with Airthings is that we can reduce the time spent in routine check-ups and become much more proactive in addressing issues when we need to, saving both time and money to our customers.” 

The possibility to operate two systems with one login is also a key advantage, says Magnus Steffensen, Director of Sales at FDVhuset. “When Airthings monitors detect an anomaly, their system pushes a notification into FamacWeb platform so our customers can handle everything in one place, making it easier and more efficient.”

Indoor air quality data provides key insights to maximize efficiency in buildings and reduce unnecessary costs. Learn more about the Airthings for Business solution and the integration on our website.

Key Takeaways

  • Today most of the maintenance work in buildings is still performed following a schedule
  • With sensor technology we can shift to a data-driven and proactive approach to maintenance
  • Air quality monitoring can provide relevant insights to maximize efficiency in a building
  • The integration of Airthings with IWMS will help optimize maintenance tasks related to indoor air quality by relying on sensor data, moving from a calendar-based to a data-driven approach
  • Users will be able to define sensor thresholds that trigger a notification in IWMS when reached, allowing to take action when it is needed, rather than as a recurring task.
  • A sensor-driven approach can also help prevent problems or fix issues before they become critical, saving both time and money to building managers.

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