Need assistance with your Corentium Pro?

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Corentium Pro serial number(s)
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LED Status Lights

  • Flashing green, yellow and red: Monitor self-test
  • Flashing green: Operation mode
  • Flashing yellow: Attention! Connect to the Corentium Pro app for instructions. Often the yellow light means that the time on Corentium Pro needs to be synchronized. Simply start a measurement from the app to set the time. If this does not work, please try installing a new set of batteries.
  • Blue flash and beep: Bluetooth connect
  • Blue flash (once): Bluetooth disconnect
  • Continuous blue: USB connected
  • Flashing red: The batteries are low, or there is an error. Connect to the Corentium Pro app for instructions. If it still blinks red after replacing the batteries, try starting a new test. If you are unsuccessful after these attempts, please contact

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