Helping the CrossFit community breathe better

The CrossFit monitoring bundle is an indoor air quality monitoring bundle specifically designed to assist CrossFit affiliates in keeping members, coaches and employees informed, confident and healthy.

Most gyms are prone to poor air quality

  • High CO2 levels as breaths increase from 15 per minute to 40-60 per minute while exercising
  • High concentrations of airborne chemicals (VOCs) from cleaning, chalk and gym equipment
  • Hot and humid air from lots of people exercising in an enclosed setting
  • Damp conditions from showers and perspiration that can lead to mold growth.
  • Poor ventilation as many do not have mechanical ventilation and/or insufficient natural air flow

CrossFit gyms are often designed for natural ventilation and free air flow, and so are uniquely designed to tackle these problems.


Customized Alerts and Notifications

Choose your sensor thresholds in the dashboard based on local recommendations. Get notified when your levels exceed thresholds, so you can increase ventilation by opening a door or window, turning more fans on, or limiting the number of members inside the gym at one time. This means you don’t constantly need to check your readings.



Member health comes first. Show your members that your gym is monitoring indoor air quality to keep them safe. An official certificate of monitoring is included in the CrossFit Bundle which you can hang up to give your community peace of mind. Printable QR cards can be placed throughout the gym so members can check current air quality on their mobile device.



Insights at your fingertips. Get full access to your historical and real-time data in the user-friendly, visual dashboard. See trends and generate reports that can be electronically shared with members and coaches and/or displayed on monitors throughout the gym.


More sensors, more insight

How to improve your indoor air quality


Source control


Improve ventilation


Air cleaning


Source control

Eliminate or reduce the source of poor indoor air

  • CO2: Reduce number of people in each space
  • CO2: Reduce open flames
  • VOC: Off-gassing outside or in well-ventilated spaces before use
  • VOC: Purchase second-hand furniture
  • VOC: Store chemicals properly in appropriately ventilated spaces
  • VOC: Increase cleaning for mold prevention
  • VOC: Use low-VOC products
  • Radon: Utilize radon-resistant construction techniques when purchasing a new space
  • Radon: Seal floors and walls with approved plasters, caulking or other materials

Improve ventilation

Through natural or mechanical ventilation

  • CO2/VOC: Increase inflow of outdoor air
  • CO2/VOC: Reduce recirculation of air
  • CO2/VOC: Install fans to blow outdoor air in
  • CO2/VOC: Evaluate exhaust fan quantity and placement
  • CO2/VOC: Pre and post-occupancy air flushing
  • Radon: Increase inflow of outdoor air
  • Radon: Maintain a slightly positive building pressure
  • PM: Increase inflow of outdoor air
  • PM: Recirculate air through filtration system (portable or HVAC)
  • PM: Pre and post occupancy air flushing 

Air cleaning

Collect and filter pollutants in the air

  • VOC: Filter air using active carbon purification
  • VOC: Filter air using portable HEPA filters
  • VOC: Ionization
  • VOC: UVGI (for mold growth)
  • Radon: Install radon mitigation tube
  • PM: Air filtration
  • PM: Ionization
  • PM. Increase humidity


Source control

Improve ventilation

Air cleaning

Eliminate or reduce the source of poor indoor air

  • CO2: Reduce number of people in each space
  • CO2: Reduce open flames
  • VOC: Off-gassing outside or in well-ventilated spaces before use
  • VOC: Purchase second-hand furniture
  • VOC: Store chemicals properly in appropriately ventilated spaces
  • VOC: Increase cleaning for mold prevention
  • VOC: Use low-VOC products
  • Radon: Utilize radon-resistant construction techniques when purchasing a new space
  • Radon: Seal floors and walls with approved plasters, caulking or other materials

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